
you can run ensembles by starting the script. get a list of subcommands by running ensembles --help. you can also get help for a subcommand by running ensembles ${subcommand} --help. for example if you want help with the advanced command then you can run ensembles advanced --help for the custom subcommand of advanced you can type ensembles ${subcommand} advanced custom --help.

simple mode

This most basic run looks like ensembles simple. It will run the standard benchmark.

In most cases you will have to specify the path that NumIO is installed in ensembles --numio-path /home/${yn}/IO-partdiff/numio-posix simple. If you have numio installed globally you can skip this.

advanced mode

Ensembles also has an advanced mode. This mode provides some more fine grained control.


A benchmark with little background noise.


A benchmark with a medium amount of background noise.


A benchmark with a lot of background noise.


A benchmark with customizable background daemons. You will have to specifiy the number of background daemons for this one.